Monday, January 16, 2006

Been away for a few days. Ting came to visit for the weekend. The pretense was the marathon, but she also came to hang out. She landed on Thursday evening and after I picked her up from the airport, she, Joe and I went to Niko Niko's for dinner. The gyros there are amazing! We spent the rest of the evening chatting and catching up. Needless to say, Joe escaped by meeting Johnny for a drink!

I took Friday off, so we spent the day looking for a new bathroom set for the house. We went to restoration hardware, pottery barn, linens and things, neimans and saks and didn't find ANYTHING that I really liked. But I did get some stuff from Banana, Victoria's Secret, Lucy and Neimans (a Marc Jacobs shirt I tried on at Saks but felt was too big. I was still thinking about it when I saw it at Neimans and decided I had to have it.). I will need to go to waterworks to see if they have anything I like. I want something more bright, since the rest of the house is fairly neutral.

We picked up our marathon packets on Friday afternoon. It was becoming a reality!

Friday night we met Marc, Darryl, Alan, Patrick and Cindy for dinner at our favorite restaurant, Collina's. I'm glad Ting got to spend some time with my friends.

I had to work Saturday, but luckily so did Ting (doing some freelance graphic design work). We did go to lunch at Brown bag deli, our favorite sandwich spot.

On Sat evening we went to the marathon pasta party at the Hilton and had an early night in. I didn't sleep too well, probably because of the next day.

We woke early on Sunday to get ready for the marathon. After getting there around 6 am, we stretched and then went to our respective starting areas. The first half of the marathon went very well for me and I was doing sub-10 minute miles. But after mile 18 or so, my left calf started cramping up, so I slowed down quite a bit. The last mile felt like the longest mile I have ever run! But we all finished in great time - Joe is 3:40 (what a stud!), Ting in 3:16 (she encountered the same problem with her calves as I did) and me in 4:28. I wanted to finish in under 4:30 so I was pleased with my time.

After the marathon we were all fairly tired and achy. We rested at home for a bit and then met up with the gang at Berry Hill. Marc brought a cake for D's bday. Ting and I only stayed for a few hours, but we had a good time. Joe, of course, was on the good-time-grant express and stayed out much later than we did (I think he's still paying for it today - luckily he didn't have to work today!)

Ting had to leave this morning :(, but we had a fabulous time together. I'm so lucky to have such a great sister and I am even luckier that we are so close. I selfishly want her and John to move to Texas so we can all be closer geographically so we can see each other more often. I have a feeling when the babies come my wish may come true!

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