Monday, January 09, 2006

I love Monday when I'm off from work! It's a free day to do anything.....

Of course I got up early with Joe - he went swimming at his TriAdvantage place, in an endless pool. I admire him so much for doing his triathlons. He really loves it and he is great at it. He officially started his Ironman training last week.

I went to my bootcamp class at the Met. I have been going to Richard's class for a little over 2 years now. Time goes by so quickly! There was a time a few months back when I was having trouble getting motivated to go. I guess I was getting a little burned out. But I am enjoying the class again. I will probably take a week off after the marathon this weekend!

So today I am off to find a cute new ski outfit for our trip to Beaver Creek in February. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will find something I like that's on sale...

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