Wednesday, July 12, 2006


My blogging has been like my work outs lately - few and far between. I have not been very inspired to write - which is surprising to me considering how much I have been obsessing over scrapping lately.

In the realm of baby news: my oldest, dearest friend Veronica Connor, who lives in AZ, recently adopted a baby girl from China. She looks so cute! And Shaila, of only wants one child philosophy, is preggers again!! 12 weeks already, with a little boy. I am so excited for them both. Gives me a little baby fever...

So to give me inspiration here are some questions to answer:
1. How old are you? 35 (ugh, hate that number!).
2. How many kids do you have if any? none, yet...
3. Are you married, single, divorced, widow,? Married.
4. What is your occupation? optometrist for lasik center. who wants to sell contacts and glasses??
5. What are your passions? scrapbooking; photography
6. Are you a dreamer or a dream seeker? dreamer - as is what i would do if i won the lotto, but i never buy a ticket!
7. Are you happy with the way you life has turned out? so far... yes. I still feel, however, there's lots more out there for me.
8. Are you a scrapper and if so how many hours a week do you scrap? yes and maybe 5-10 hours, if i'm lucky. it takes me a long time to do a single page as i usually don't have a plan until i sit down to scrap. i should work on that.
9. What do you want to do before you die? travel to more places I haven't been such as South America, Australia, more countries in Europe; become a mommy; become an auntie (on my side); eventually own more rental property; live in a bigger house; retire early!
10. What is your favorite food? hard one; i love all sorts of food, but my everyday go to is cold cereal.
11. What is the food you hate the most? black olives.
12. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? Cried in front of a patient. Mostly of anger and frustration and not at said patient, but couldn't stop them.
13. What is the happiest day of your life thus far? i am generally a happy person and would not like to pick just one.
14. Are you a neat freak? Or a dirty house cleaner? Joe wishes I were a neat freak, but unfortunately I fall under the latter category.

All for now! Going for a picture walk.

I am trying to upload a picture but it's not working correctly. Maybe later...

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