Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Back to the grind.
For some reason blogger is not allowing me to insert titles, so I will have to make due. I am just trying to get back into the swing of things. I think the past 6 days off is the longest vacation I have had since we went to Costa Rica for Christmas. And I have enjoyed every second of it (well, except the wasted time travelling on Sunday and Monday).
We got our goal for July and it seems very doable, which is nice. Hopefully things will be a bit quieter over the rest of the summer before it picks up again.
Joe and I ran "hills" this morning - and by hills I mean up the parking garage at the gym. I can't believe how hot and humid it was at 5 am this morning. Certainly not the nice cool weather we enjoyed in Maine.
I guess I should post some pictures soon - I just haven't been motivated...

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