Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We *heart* NYC

Joe and I just returned from our favorite city yesterday morning. Needless to say I was fairly tired at work! We didn't even go out clubbing as much as we used to, but all that walking around and shopping and eating too much and drinking too much can be exhausting! Not to mention waking up at 3:50 AM to catch a 5:45 AM flight!
Highlights of the trip: watching Xanadu, the musical, disco night at Splash (although Lady Bunny wasn't spinning as good music as she usually does, but there were a few couples who had to be professionals or dance instructors because they were great dancers!), running in Central Park and finding a cool denim sample sale in Soho and buying a pair of True Religions and Rock and Republic jeans for half off each! We took Bill and Juan to dinner on Monday night at this fun Thai restaurant and ate way too much. Afterward we had dessert at this Italien wine bar. I had their Nutella panini with vanilla gelato - delicious! However, now I feel like I need to do a dietary cleanse and eat nothing but fruit and cereal for the next few days.
I will post pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. i didn't know you guys were going to NYC! that is so fun! miss ya!


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