Saturday, April 12, 2008

I should be packing

...but instead I am blogging. Luckily I have most of the stuff I need all ready, I just need to make sure I am not forgetting anything.
I had dinner with Tinger and Boom last night. I still can't believe they are moving to H-town!
They are in the process of looking for and buying a house here and putting their house on sale in Richmond, all of which, I am sure is a big pain in the a$$. I am just encouraging them to buy a house with a pool!After work this afternoon I am off to the airport and Phoenix. Joe's big race is tomorrow. And after that, no more Ironmans for a long time (I hope!).

1 comment:

  1. i look tired in those photos! you hair cut is really cute! unfort, none of the houses we are looking at have a pool (currently) but i think boom would like to put one in... just depends on if we have any mola left over ;-) and there are always the community pools we can use!


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