Thursday, July 09, 2009

Getting back into the swing of things

With Joe's birthday last week as well as the holiday weekend, I fell of the working out/eating healthy bandwagon. Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion, bodies at rest, just like to veg! So this week I have been getting back into my workout mode. I have done cardio 3X already (Mon, Tues and today), ran 1X (Wed) and practiced yoga 1X (Wed). I am sore from yoga yesterday and did an extra long workout today so will be good and sore tomorrow. Kinda like that feeling!

We have also been lucky in getting many shipments of these all the way from Phoenix, AZ, courtesy of Aunt Nancy:I use them to make yummy smoothies:This has felt like an extra long week - because last week was so short and this week I will be working all weekend - boo! At least I have craft Sunday afternoon to look forward to ;)!


  1. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Those smoothies look delicious!

  2. tingaling3:00 PM

    You have to work all weekend?! that stinks - but craft sunday will be fun!


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