Sunday, July 05, 2009

It will all work out

Whenever we come up to Mom and Dad's, I always manage to find a little time to go through old photos and journals and reminisce. It's so funny to see what things I was so concerned about during certain time periods of my life...mostly boys, of course! While I wouldn't change a thing, I would like to tell my younger self to just lighten up, enjoy the moment and don't worry about everything so much. It will all work out in the end. I have found this philosophy to be true for the last 10+ years.


  1. Anonymous5:04 AM

    yes, you are right, everything will work out and better....

  2. Tingaling1:16 PM

    Well, you've definitely mellowed, which is a good thing. So have I, just not as much, yet ;-)

    Not quite sure "laid back" or "mellow" will ever be good descriptors of me - more like "particular" and "demanding" :-)


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