Saturday, December 05, 2009


I have never been big on advent calendars. Didn't even really know what they were until recently. But my new tradition (started only last year) to count the days to Christmas is what I am doing now...journaling every day, taking time to appreciate the season. Although this year I haven't had time to make an actual paper scrapbook, this blog will serve just fine!

In unrelated Christmas news, we are home but the house is FREEZING!! Our heater is broken and the part to fix it probably won't be in until next week! Luckily J bought a space heater, but the house itself is about 42degrees compared to 35 degrees outside...brrrrr!

In more unrelated Christmas news, I took lots of photos of baby J today but this one has to be my favorite:baby love

We had our annual girls' Christmas dinner and ornament exchange tonight. Much merriment was had but I think I had a bit too much wine!2009 12 05 photo

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