Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

05.29.10top: J. Crew
skirt: J. Crew, remix'd
shoes: Ann Klein, remix'd
belt: Ann Taylor, remix'd
earrings: Tiffany's, gift'd&remix'd

Unfortunately I have to work today, but I did take the afternoon off so we can enjoy the weekend in Lake Travis! Some friends rented a party boat, which we have done many years in the past but stopped a few years ago. We have peeps coming in from Boston as well as some old high school peeps joining us so I can't wait!


  1. Pretty!

    I just ordered that skirt this week. I can't wait until it arrives!

  2. That skirt is so cute! I love the print!

  3. Great outfit and love the hair!

    Art by Karena


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