Friday, June 18, 2010

Allergies suck

06.18.10top: LoL for Target, remix'd
pants: Gap, remix'd (I just wore these on Tues, but today was just a black pants kind of day. I figured if people didn't notice me wearing the same things during the week of the Summer Capsule Wardrobe the certainly won't notice black pants!)
shoes: Joan&David, remix'd
earrings: gift'd&remix'd
belt: Anthro (bought on sale and with free shipping so I controlled myself and just got the belt!)

This morning I woke up with the most itchy and puffy-feeling eyes. Ugh. At least it's Friday and I have a 3 day weekend coming up! Yay. The hubs is out-of-town though. Boo. But I'll be spending more time with the cutie - yay!


  1. Anonymous8:21 AM

    The maroon pants look stunning with the pastel top! What a great pairing.

  2. oh! love the top and the belt!
    you look nice!

  3. Awww, I love the cropped pants and top together! And YIKES for horrible allergies -- I used to take Benedryll but then I would get all sleepy. Ugh!

  4. I'll always love that LoL top on you.

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    clothed much, a modest fashion blog

  5. blegh i hate allergies! mine get awful this time of year.
    i love that top on you--definitely best of anyone i've seen in it!

  6. Allergies do suck! Hope you feel better.

    I love the unexpected color combination.

  7. SUCH a great top! LOVE it on you!


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