Sunday, June 06, 2010

A whole lotta nothing

us before our 5KJoe and I ran a 5K in the Heights on Saturday morning. And while I still don't run very fast I hit a PR (as did Joe - just over 19 minutes!).

2010 06 05 photoDon't know if you can tell, but it's feeling like a sauna outside these days and we are much sweatier in the after shot!

BresnahansI also had a photoshoot with the most adorable family in the world.

BresnahansHe is just so cute! He really has the sweetest disposition.

BresnahansAnd I love his expression in this, "are we done already?!?"

BresnahansWhile shooting this pose, he was propping himself up on his arms and trying his best to move around! Didn't quite succeed, but he is going to be mobile before we know it!

Today walking outside felt even more like a sauna. On days like this getting motivated to dress cutely yet weather appropriate can be difficult. That's why I have declared this to be the summer of the sundress Sunday. What could be easier than throwing on a dress and a pair of sandals? Add some cool shades and I'm all set!06.06.10dress: Loft, remix'd
sandals: J. Crew, remix'd
shades: Tom Ford, remix'd

2010 06 06 photoAnd this is what we did this afternoon. I really wish we had a pool in our own backyard!


  1. Sundresses are practically my summer uniform, when it's too hot to move, it's just what you need! (and a pool, that one looks beautiful, just invite yourself over everyday.)

    Your family is just adorable!!

    Chic on the Cheap

  2. Love the photoshoot pics! THANKS!!!!


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