Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekend recap

2010 07 10 photoI spent the better half of the afternoon on Saturday driving home. Work wasn't busy at all which was good because of no stress, but bad because it made the morning go by that much slower! I was glad to be home with the hubs; we checked out a yummy Vietnamese restaurant for dinner.

On Sunday we did our usual morning run followed by yoga. My shoulder was hurting me last Monday and I was out of town so I took almost a week off from practicing. I think the break helped because I was almost back to normal yesterday and had an even better practice today.

We got some stuff done around the house too - painted our front door and trim, the window trim and some pillars. They look much better now!

After watching some of the tour, the hubs and I met some peeps out for an afternoon drink.
2010 07 11 photoUs goofing off for a photo :)

IMG_1253me and my cutie

IMG_1266And where we went for dessert.

Going out gave me an excuse to get dressed.07.11.10all items remix'd
top: Gap
skirt: Loft
shoes: Dolce Vita (they are finally broken in and are much more comfy now!)
shades: Dsquared
earrings: Francesca's
bangles: Alexis Bittar
bag: Gucci

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I love all your outfits, but I'm seriously in love with this bag :)


Thanks for stopping by! Say hi if you would like :)