Friday, February 11, 2011

Jet lag

my seat to Frankfurt
After spending the last few days traveling, this girl is tired!

I am happy to report (again) that I made it safely to Mysore.

I took a brief nap while my friend was getting a massage, then she helped me go to the bank, get an Internet USB for my laptop, eat lunch, pay my driver, register for the shala, and walk around the city to get my bearings. We are actually in Gokulam, which is a more affluent suburb of Mysore. I haven't taken as many photos as I would like since I feel like the walking dead, but once I get adjusted you won't be able to stop me.


  1. Totally jealous. That is all.

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures!

  3. I'll be waiting for your reports! I'm getting nostalgic,too!

  4. Congrats! Take it easy.

  5. Glad you made it there safely! Can't wait to hear more when you're more rested!

  6. Yay! BE safe. Love ya.


Thanks for stopping by! Say hi if you would like :)