Thursday, April 21, 2011

Feeling cheated

top: Old Navy
pants: J. Crew, remix'd
shoes: Marc Jacobs, remix'd
earrings: gift'd
necklace: Collingnon Designs

We are starting to get temperatures in the 90s this week. I am so not ready for it (again!). I feel a bit cheated because I didn't have a real winter this year.

And the real reason I feel cheated? I didn't get to wear my tall boots as much as I would have liked!

I guess on the flip side, the weekend I am going to search for some more flats to wear to work. As much as I love them, heels definitely make practicing yoga more difficult so I am limiting their wear.


  1. I love the color of the pants, and that bright pink necklace just hits the perfect note!

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Come on out to MN for a while - I'll trade you some snow for some summer! ;)

  3. I feel you. I'm so gonna miss my winter gear

  4. 90???!!! It is pouring rain and was snowing a week ago in Oregon. Lame. haha Soak it up girl!

  5. I'd gladly take the 90 degree weather right now!

  6. as a fellow boot enthusiast, i totally sympathize! but those cropped pants are pretty freakin' awesome. every time you wear them i want to find something that color!

  7. You make me wish I could wear ankle pants. Those are seriously delicious. I would have been happy to skip winter, even if it meant giving up boots wearing.

    There's tons of great flats options. I hope you find some cute ones. *sends shoe luck*

  8. 90s? You are the envy of blogland. I was told we're supposed to have great weather Fri & Sat. 60s and dry is great for us in Seattle. Too bad I hear pouring rain right now.

    That is a great blouse!

    Jen Hemming and Hawing Again


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