Monday, April 18, 2011

Week in photos

Last week I wanted to focus on the small things that make life better.

2011 04 11 photo
April and May are my favorite months in Texas. The weather is gorgeous and jasmine grows everywhere. It seems divine!

2011 04 12 photo
Baby FC is so tiny. I forgot how small they are when they are new!

2011 04 13 photo
A simple homecooked dinner with friends is a great break in the middle of the week. My friend made a vegetarian lasagna - delicious.

2011 04 14 photo
This little boy is so sweet. I love him more than he knows.

2011 04 15  photo
Practicing yoga at home is all good when Sharath is in the room with you.

2011 04 16 photo
Good wine with good friends is always good.

2011 04 17 photo
We celebrated his one-month birthday with a little sip-and-see. I hired my friend Claudia to take photos of the was nice to be able to enjoy and not worry about picture-taking the whole time.

How was your week? What little things do you appreciate?

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