Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Everyone's doing it

dress: Tucker for Target
boots: Anthro, remix'd
earrings: gift'd&remix'd
belt: Nordstrom Rack, remix'd
tights: Loft, remix'd

So I am cheating a bit in the Everybody, Everywhere floral day because techincally I am not wearing this today (I wore this on Saturday). But I have been up since 3:30 AM traveling from San Francisco to Houston, so I feel like I deserve a little bit of props for even blogging today! I wear florals 4-5 days/week, so it's not much of a strech for me anyway ;)

I saw this Tucker dress on sale at Target and decided to give it a go. It's super comfortable, flattering and versatile, which is why I can see it's been so popular in the fashion/style bloggy world.

Florals | Everybody, Everywear


  1. lol it's not cheating. I love this Tucker for Target dress on you! I was unimpressed with it on the model but you totally pull it off!

    Fast Food & Fast Fashion

  2. Hehe, I'm wearing that print today too. I found the blouse version at target for $10. I'd been resisting, but for $10 i'd buy almost anything.

  3. yey! we dressed to match! I'm not gonna lie... I've been checking back at EBEW all day hoping someone else wore the same thing as me (even though you didn't wear it today.... close enough!)


  4. I've seen that dress all over the blogosphere and for good reason! It's so versatile.

    If you're cheating then I definitely am. I linked an outfit I wore a week or so ago.

  5. I kind of wish that I had bought that Tucker dress when it was in stores, because I love the color.

  6. Love your take on how to style this dress!

  7. Yay! Another twinsie! I adore the low-slung belt with it, especially with the boots. Just awesome. Glad I found you through EBEW!

  8. I've been seeing this dress make the rounds, but this is one of the most creative stylings I've come across. (:

    Find me at Just Take a Bow.

  9. My Target still had one of these dresses left. I so badly wanted to get it, but it was an XL. I thought maybe I could make it work during this pregnancy, but I think it is going to be a "no go".

  10. super cute styling! I posted the same dress for EBEW. That Tucker print is my fave- I have it in the blouse too!

  11. Oh I totally cheated, I used an outfit from last month! Oops!

    You look FABULOUS in that dress, I really like it on you!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  12. Woohoo, another picture to add to my How We all Wore the Tucker for Target Dress post! I like how you made it kind of drop waist. You look great!

  13. Beautiful!! I love that Tucker Target dress on you!


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