Monday, May 02, 2011

Week in photos

Some weeks I am less inspired to take arty photos and just want to capture a moment of the day. Last week was one of those weeks.

2011 04 25 photo
I love that we have a new peanut in our extended family!

2011 04 26 photo
My mom with her second grandson. Little Sailor always furrows his brows...I wonder what he is so worried about!

2011 04 27 photo
Finding Oms in random places.

2011 04 28 photo
Grandma with her first but not only love.

2011 04 29 photo
The hubs and I went to see Kei$ha on Friday night. She is definitely a bit quirky and the average age of the crowd was probably about 16 but we enjoyed the show nonetheless.

2011 04 30 photo
New haircolor! It's still growing on me...

2011 05 01 photo
We went to a new place for lunch on Sunday. It was fun walking around midtown for a while (until the humidity chased us back inside).


  1. Ooh, love the haircolor! I've been tempted to do something with color lately since I think I'm growing mine out... but I'm too indecisive. (ha, says she who is about to pick up and move across the country)

  2. Congrats with the new little peanut in your life! Isn't it awesome to be an aunt?

  3. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Little Sailor is a serious dude, just like Baby J was...

  4. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Little Sailor is a serious dude, just like Baby J was...

  5. Love the new hair! It's very different, but fun.

  6. AHHHH!!! The new hair! I love it!!!


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