Friday, June 24, 2011

Neuve: Dressing my best

all items remix'd
9 top: H&M
14 bottom: Banana
16 shoes: BCBG
earrings: gift'd
cami: Gap
bangles: Alexis Bittar, gift'd

This post really resonated with me and when I found that these girl's were doing another Dress Your Best challenge, I knew I wanted to participate.

I used to be envious of girls with long skinny legs. I am not one of those girls. I have calves that are bigger than most boys (except of course the hubs!) I know. But I have finally embrace my muscular calves. They have helped me finish 3 marathons and countless other races. They are most currently stretching more than they ever have and carrying me through my yoga practices. And for that I am thankful.


  1. I love the concept behind dressing your best! Those awesome heels you're wearing paired with the shorts are a great way to show off your legs!!!

  2. Love your color combo! You do look fabulous showing off your legs.

    This is a great concept to focus on our positives instead of the negatives. We should love ourselves always!

  3. Reading about your calves in comparison to my post on my calves was interesting. I mentioned I was lacking the "shapely leg," and yet you've got shapely calves and have seen that as a draw back at times. I'm glad you're embracing your calves too!

  4. You have AMAZING legs! You definitely need to show them off more!

  5. Love these colors together - and you do have amazing calves, and great legs altogether!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  6. This post makes me smile. I totally envy your shapely legs! You look great. I love the sandals and the color combo. It's so bright and fun.

  7. are you kidding? your legs are awesome. i wish i had your legs.

  8. i love this, work with what you got! and i think you look fab.


  9. I think the dressing your best bit is one interesting way to focus on our assets! Many times we feel bad when a trend we want doesn't look good on us. We have to remember to know our body first then work around the trends from there.once you feel good inside, it will exude and make us gorgeous on the outside.



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