Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall Trends: Menswear

all items remix'd
top&belt: Gap
skirt: J. Crew
shoes: Aldo

Early sunsets are putting a cramp in my daily outfit photos! I completely forget to snap a photo at lunch so I had to resort using my flash after work. Which is why I look more crumpled than usual. {Note to self: take photos earlier tomorrow!}

blue button down 01
My take on trends are usually not too trendy. This shirt is from 2008 and still works well. See more trends at Megan or Keely.

I am still getting caught up from being out of town last week so forgive me if I haven't visited you lately. We have also hit the magic 100 followers so keep your eye out for something special soon!


  1. the mix of colors and patterns is EXCELLENT here, lady! and congrats on the hundred!

    dash dot dotty

  2. I like the blue and orange together!

  3. Yes - the early sunsets are KILLING ME.
    It's going to be a long winter, I'm sure.

    I found someone else wearing that skirt today, hehe.

    Chic on the Cheap

  4. Great renditions on this style! I love the skirt in the first look!

  5. I do love the blue and yellow mix. So fabulous!

  6. Congrats on the 100 mark! You look great. Your skirt is fabulous!

  7. I try to take my pics in the morning or if I can get home during lunch, but I totally agree, the light has been different lately so I've noticed my colors are kind of off too. Ah well, this is just a predecessor to "it's so cold outside, looking cute won't matter anymore"! ;o)

  8. I love the blue and orange together. the sandals are also a great addition! Congrats on 100! I'm still about 4 away. ;D

  9. I had that shirt....got rid of it in 2009. Good for you, no slave to fashion. I'm an older gal and have seen things come and go, come and go, then come and go again. You look good in every photo. That is because you believe in your style. Bravo!


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