Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Week in photos

Observations for the week:

2011 09 26 photo
Po-po didn't think she could love another baby as much as Baby J...but she was so wrong!

2011 09 27 photo
Big-eyed baby buddha is starting on his solids!

2011 09 28 photo
Baby buddha likes to pretend he is Superman.

2011 09 29 photo
Watching Project Runway is one of my favorite nights of the week.

2011 09 30 photo
Dinner with some yoga peeps at Dolce Vita. I need to figure out a better angle for the server to snap a photo.

2011 10 01 photo
We pretty much start every morning with 2 big cups of Joe.

2011 10 02 photo
Baby C at the pumpkin patch. My friend Al will be adopting him hopefully in the next 5-6 months.


  1. What a couple of cuties you got there. Wishing your friend best of luck in the adoption!

  2. Those are some cute babies!

  3. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Ahh..love it! What adorable babies. Looks like a great week to me :0

  4. Thanks, EE! He's enjoying eating his new Doctor Seuss books, too!


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