Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week in Photos

Observations for the week:

2011 10 10 photo
This is my first real selfie in a long time. Maybe I should wear lipstick next time.

2011 10 11 photo
Our time at the first night of Houston Fashion Week was fun because of the company, not the clothes.

2011 10 12 photo
I seriously love this face.

2011 10 13 photo
Project Runway night was a bit more intimate this week, which I actually prefer.

2011 10 14 photo
My phone got upgraded...finally.

2011 10 15 photo
Dumplings are good.

2011 10 16 photo
Can you guess which one belongs to me?


  1. Hahaha, I totally love the stack of iphones. Yours must be the pink!
    The new iOS is pretty sweet.

    Chic on the Cheap

  2. Ooh those dumplings look delicious. Homemade? If so, please share recipes!

  3. The pink phone is definitely yours! Those dumplings look delicious! I agree with Megan, recipe share? Heather

  4. Project runway night- now that sounds like fun! Beautiful self portrait and I'm guessing yours is the hot pink one? Love the case!

  5. Yey for your upgrade! The camera is amazing on the new ones. Enjoy my friend!


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