Saturday, December 03, 2011

december daily | 1

This year I am following Ali's lead and just tell one story a day.

Page 1
I am glad we started out the month tree-hunting with our friends.

Page 2
Oops, my Christmas manifesto page turned out a bit blurry. You get the general idea.

Page 3
Another gentle reminder to enjoy the season and appreciate what you have!

Page 4
The last page of the spread. Our tree sans decorations.


  1. That is lovely.
    I have been trying to be frugal and using up an old scrapbook album I had. I wish I had a smaller one.
    Thanks for letting me know about this I am really enjoying it.

  2. Ooh it's coming out so cute. Your tree looks huge! I can't wait to see more pages.

    I haven't gotten into scrapbooking (yet), but I'm getting increasingly in love with the idea.

  3. What a fun idea and it's coming together really nicely.

  4. Anonymous7:36 AM

    This is such a good idea! I love it!!


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