Saturday, December 24, 2011

december daily | 20 + 21

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I went to breakfast after yoga on Tuesday with one of my yoga peeps but forgot to bring my camera! Very unlike me, but it's ok.

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On Wednesday I ate lunch with D, a dear friend whom I have known for ages, it seems like. Since he and M broke up a couple years ago, we don't hang out as much as we used to, so I am trying to make more of an effort to see him. One of my goals for next year is to make more of an effort with my friends. Sometimes being lazy and doing the same ole thing is just easy, but life is too short to do the same ole thing every day!

As you can probably tell, I am losing some creative steam with this album. I am still enjoying the process but am having less to say. And I am ok with that.

Happy Christmas Eve (to those of you who celebrate)!

1 comment:

  1. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Good Luck for 2012.
    Jane X


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