Monday, December 12, 2011

Even more pink

all items remix'd
tank: F21
sweater: Gap
vest: Uniqlo
cords: J.Crew
shoes: Converse
earrings: gift'd

The weekend went by way too fast. The last 4 days away from work have been glorious and I am not ready to go back.

all items remix'd
sweater: Old Navy
jeans: Gap
shoes: Converse
earrings: Collingnon Designs, gift'd
scarf: Missoni for Target

The temperatures have been finally been cold enough to unbox my winter clothes...and I counted no less than 5 pink sweaters (and that's not even including athletic hoodies!). Look for more in days to come.


  1. Pink is a great color on you. I like the matching sweater and socks.

  2. Pink is such a great color on you and love the Chuck Taylors!

  3. The dominant colour in my new company's branding is hot pink. Since it doesn't quite work with the business, it's become a rather hated colour around the office. I still adore it, so I guess I'll just have to admire your pink from afar!

  4. Both looks are adorable. I don't think I've ever seen a fuzzy vest look so goshdarned cute. It sure has gotten cold fast here in the South.

  5. Hehe, nothing wrong with having too much of what you love!
    Love the pink socks peeking out too!

    Chic on the Cheap


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