Thursday, December 01, 2011

Happy December

all items remix'd
top: Anthro
cardi&tights: Loft
skirt: Ann Taylor
boots: 9West
earrings: gift'd
necklaces: Collingnon Designs

I can hardly believe only 31 days remain of this year. I would say I have had quite an interesting introduction into my next decade of life. I want to remember to savor these last days and not get to caught up in the stress of it all.

These boots were in my to-donate bag in my car when I decided that they would be a perfect match for this outfit. The mid-calf height is a bit weird; I think when I bought them I figured I would just wear them with jeans. These days I prefer to wear skirts, but I think they work with the dark tights.

red laquer pencil skirt 01
My favorite part about shopping at Ann Taylor and Loft is finding gems like this skirt in their super+50% off sale time. I actually think that's my favorite part about shopping in general - finding great things at a low price :). I really should learn to be a better thrifter!


  1. This outfit is so pretty, Eek! I love the print of this skirt. I chose these tones for the designs for my next fall collection. Love how you worked these colors together.
    Kristina J.

  2. You did a great job getting your money's worth from this skirt. It is so versatile. This year has flown by so fast!

  3. I like the boots, so I'm glad you kept them long enough to work into this outfit.

  4. I love that pink top, the neckline is so pretty. I love the mid-calf boots. I wish I could find a pair that didn't swim on my skinny legs.

    Also, one of these days, I'm coming down there and taking you thrifting fo' real. ;D You'll never turn back once you start getting the good deals.

  5. That skirt is great! I love that you showed all the ways you've remixed it! Hope you have time to check out and follow back if you feel compelled:) XO

    real budget, real busy, real body fashion:

  6. Yes, finding those gems is one of the best things about shopping!

    I have problems with taking things out of the donate bag too... it's so bad!

    Chic on the Cheap


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