Thursday, December 22, 2011

A study in contrasts

all items remix'd
top: J. Crew
cardi: Gap
skirt: gift'd
boots: Nordstrom Rack
earrings: gift'd
tights: Loft

The freaky Houston weather has been cold enough for me to wear this tweed skirt again, but I decided to pair it with some spring-like colors rather than go matchy-matchy. I rather like the end result.

I am going to try to finish the majority of my last minute shopping today. Tomorrow will be a day to assess and I guess Saturday will be the last-last minute push! Just gotta make it through one more work day!


  1. Lovely to see the skirt getting so much wear.
    Great boots too.

  2. I do love that minty green!
    yeah, hard to believe we only have one more day to get ready!

  3. That skirt is so cute!!! I'm such a sucker for patterns like that!

  4. Love your sweet skirt! It looks adorable with pastels.

    Also re:your comment - It is indeed a cloche hat! They're my fav style of hats.

  5. Your new header is really cute!

  6. Love your skirt!


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