Thursday, February 16, 2012

Feeling behind

top&belt: Anthro / skirt: J.Crew / shoes: Aldo / earrings&cuff: gift'd / necklace: Collignon Designs, new&gift'd / tights: Hue

I've been feeling perpetually behind this week; on what I am not sure. I guess spending the one weekend day I had off in Austin just threw off my schedule a bit. I am looking forward to a whole lotta nothing this weekend.

My hubs is such a good man. Even though I said no gifts on love day, he gave me some anyways.

This lotus flower necklace, made by my dear friend Lauren, the amazing person behind Collignon Designs is going to be a new favorite, I can already tell. My collection of her pieces is growing and I love it!

And I love tulips, especially pink ones! They will brighten up the house this week.

Raise your hand if you wish it were Friday already!


  1. Funny how a change in routine throws off our inner timeline. Your outfit is tres chic - I love the blue and yellow together. Looks like you got some nice pampering for VDay - what a wonderful necklace!

    ps I've got both hands flailing wildy, wishing it were the weekend already.

  2. Did you get a new header? I like it.

  3. awww so sweet! the necklace fits you so!

    hmm yay to friday! i cant wait for weekend!

  4. Awww how sweet of him to pick you up something special. That necklace is so you.


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