Wednesday, May 30, 2012

project life | week 19

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19 weeks and I am still loving this project.

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Even on weeks when I think "nothing really happened," I find that things did happen :)

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I am trying to use a combination of digital elements/journaling, as well as my own messy handwriting.

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My 12 photos for the 12th of May.

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We had our first dinner party at our new place on the 11th and invited our dearest friends.

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More random memories from the week. I love that photo of me and DD that my sister snapped. I just picked him up to take a picture and realized he just filled his diaper. TMI, I know, but still funny.

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This (almost) real time scrapbooking is so fun to me. Making notes while the memories are still fresh in my mind is so easy and some of these details would have been forgotten if not captured in here.

The Mom Creative

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