Monday, July 02, 2012

weekend update | balls, boys and birthdays

UntitledAlthough this past weekend was a working one for me,  we did manage to get in some fun mini-adventures in between. One of our friends organized a bowling night on Friday at Lucky Strike, which is just a few blocks from our place.

UntitledNone of us are expert bowlers by any means, but we had a great time catching up, making fun of each other's gutter balls and cheering each other's strikes.

UntitledSome of my Houston peeps! Love these guys.

UntitledOn Saturday Joe took me to a new taco place for lunch. The food was so tasty - I imagine we will be returning soon.

HipstaPrintWe went to Bombay Pizza for his birthday-eve dinner and watched "Seeking a Friend for the end of the World," which was only ok.

UntitledOur main event yesterday was to see Magic Mike with some other friends. Yes, the hubs wanted to see Magic Mike on his birthday. Reason #378 that I love him! My only complaint about the movie? Less talking more dancing! It was quite funny.

UntitledOur secret stash of candy because I am cheap like that.

UntitledA selfie.

Untitledtop&jeans: Gap / shoes: Target / earrings: old / scarf: Old Navy / bag: Gucci
And what I wore. I actually took photos with my big camera as well, but uploading them requires many more steps. I can't wait for the day that pictures can be directly uploaded to the internet from a real camera like the iPhone!

I hope you had a great halfway-through-the-year day!


  1. Aww yum! Sneaking in food to theaters. I've successfully brought in everything from Starbucks and candy to actual food in my huge purse. I'm terrible, but movie food prices are so outrageous.

    Love your casual comfy outfit, the pops of pink keep it 'you' but still comfy for movie going.

  2. I had a gal pal who used to sneak 20pc chicken nuggets into movies!

    I can't believe hubs wanted to see Magic Mike - was he the only guy in the theatre? ;o) I've heard that movie is actually really good - though for me, I'd have to rally together some girlfriends to go!

  3. I like the pink shoes!


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