Tuesday, November 27, 2012

project life | week 47

{Nov 10-24}
#projectlife week 47 full spread
full spread
We are coming to the final stretch of the year. I am still loving this project but keeping things really simple to make it easier on myself to get finished.

#projectlife week 47 left side
left side
Thanksgiving was a good day, filled with friends, family and food!

#projectlife week 47 right side
right side
And more things to be thankful for during the week. The overlays I used are freebies from mswhittaker. She is very generous with her free digital goodies so go take a look, if you are so inclined.

I seem to have caught some mild bug on Sunday night and am feeling a bit blah to posting will probably be sporadic this week. Have a good one!

The Mom Creative


  1. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving. Hope you're feeling better soon. The sickness has really been making the rounds everywhere this season. Take care!

  2. wow, can't believe the year is almost over. do you often go back and look at the beginning?

    Chic on the Cheap

  3. I love that you keep things simple and yet seem to fit so much in! Love your layouts.


Thanks for stopping by! Say hi if you would like :)