Wednesday, December 19, 2012

some cuteness for the day

It's no secret that my nephews are my heart. Being an aunt is one of the favorite roles of my life. J is now 3 (!!!) and talking so much and just such a sweet sweet boy.

No photo please!
DD is almost 2 (!!!), starting to talk more, as stubborn as his mama and auntie, and cute as a button. Unfortunately his stubborn streak leads to lots of photos like this, but that's ok too. I just want to bottle them up!


  1. Oh the attitude of little DD! Omg so cute. I can't believe how fast they've grown. I remember seeing little J when he was just a BB! on your blog.

  2. aww, what sweeties! it's so great you get to be a big part of their lives!
    Chic on the Cheap

  3. The second pic is adorable - happy holidays to you and yours!

  4. Oh, very cute indeed! Look at that coy little face...
    Ronnie xo


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