Tuesday, February 19, 2013

project life 2013 | week 5

{Jan 27-Feb 2}
week 5 title page
title card
This year I have been making simple weekly title cards with different digital elements. The photos on the card are my Instagram photos-of-the-day.

week 5 full spread
full spread
Kind of a typical week.

week 5 left side
left side
I decided to include photos of a couple places in which I spend a lot of time. The bottom left photo is of our dear friends E&R's garage apartment/yoga shala. We practice there roughly 4x/week. The top right photo is my work building.

week 5 right side
right side
I finally got my hair cut this week. And I am trying to get a balance of full pocket photos and photo collages. The bottom right photo is of some yoga peeps with our teacher Y, with whom I now practice 2 days/week (on the days we're not with E&R).

I seem to be going through a creative lull with my photo taking. Just not as inspired to get the camera out for everyday stuff, but I figure this is all part of the creative cycle. Some days you're feeling it; some days not so much. Either way, this project is still my fave.

The Mom Creative


  1. I love how you added the instagram photos to the title card!

  2. I totally understand having a photo taking lull. I especially think that can happen with us Project Life people/everyday life documenters, sometimes I feel like there are no more details left to document and I need a break to find something else inspiring to document. It will come back and there is nothing wrong with a break for sure! Your pages look great. And I love how you documented your haircut. Note to self to do that next time I get my haircut.

  3. Love the mix of stickers and handwriting on your journaling cards. Just a really fun spread!

  4. LOVE how you used your instagram photos in your title cards! such a great idea!

  5. Anonymous4:52 AM

    I love the picture of the mugs. It is great to have the everyday life documented!


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