Friday, February 22, 2013

project life 2013 | week 6 {blog hop!}

Hi and welcome to our February
Project Life Blog Hop for our Project Life Connection Group “Project Everyday Blessings”
We are sharing with you each month where we are with our Project Life System, Albums & Techniques.
It's our hope that we will inspire you to capture memories and record them.
If you missed the full line up here it is:

If you came from Living Life Creatively & With Twins, you are on the right track!

week 06 01
This year I have been experimenting with different photo printing options. Last year I was completely OCD about being "caught up" every week and used Walgreens almost exclusively. The reason I decided to change is really simple: I prefer matte photos over glossy and Walgreens only has glossy available. After using both Snapfish and Winkflash online, I have decided I will probably do most of my printing at Costco. Good quality and good prices, especially for enlargements.

WEEK 6 {Feb 3-9}
week 6 02
title card
Like I have mentioned before, I have been using digital elements and my Instagram photos-of-the-day to create my weekly title cards. I like how this brings uniformity to the album. This year the focus of my POTD has been city scenes, as suggested by the hubs.

week 06 03
full spread
As you can see from this layout, the majority of the photos I took this week were of people.

week 06 04
full spread, insert right side
I also included a photo of a four-legged creature.

week 6 05
left side
From doing this for 3 years now, on a week when we have a lot going on I typically know in my mind what I want to include in Project Life. The people in our life are important to me and I like to remind myself how lucky I am to have them!

week 06 06week 06 07
insert front and back
We took our nephews to the zoo one day. I actually think my favorite photo of the bunch is the one with the hubs and JJ walking together - I love seeing how tall Joe is compared to JJ and it will be fun to notice how that changes with time.

week 06 08
right side
And I don't mind that the majority of the photos included in the spread are taken from only a few days. Those are the things I want to remember from the week.

week 06 09
full spread, insert left side
Photos from Nikon (dSLR): 11
Photos from Canon (Point and shoot): 3
Photos from iPhone (excluding IGs on title card): 5
Yes, some days I may actually have 3 cameras on my person, but I'm just weird like that. Lots of fun stuff going on this week that I wanted to take better photos of so the big camera came out a lot. This is not always the case.

I am looking forward to see photo inspiration along the hop! Thanks for stopping by :)

Please hop to Deez Creative Designs and you can find more Project Life fun at Project Everyday Blessing.


  1. Oh my gosh EE Love your photos and your layouts! Looks like you have a very fun life ;0) Very cool!

  2. Oh my word.... I love love love your photos and your layout... they are amazing. It is a such a joy to look at your layouts, when I look at your layouts I get a feeling for who you are... you are telling your story very well though Project Life and I'm very excited that you join us for our Project Life adventure this year! Thank You!

  3. it looks awesome! thank you for sharing!

  4. Loving your Week 6, Eek!!! It's come together so well.
    Ronnie xo

  5. Fab spread! I love how you embellished the circle on the "today is good" card, especially. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. LOL...I am SO glad I'm not the only one to carry 3 cameras on my person at times. Love the group shot at the bridal shower.


Thanks for stopping by! Say hi if you would like :)