Friday, February 15, 2013

Vday in IG

@hoover11 knows I prefer tulips over roses
The hubs and I aren't huge Valentine's people but I do love receiving flowers from my main squeeze. And he knows I prefer tulips (especially when they are pink!) over roses.

Arm candy from @hoover11 #chanlui
A little arm candy from my arm candy always helps too.

Valentine candy mother load
We hosted the Project Runway party last night and one of my friends, who is a teacher, brought over the mother load of V day candy. Fortunately most of it was claimed by other friends, although we did keep the Lindor (love those truffles!).

Belated Valentine love from me to you!


  1. Oooh what a sweet Valentine's day! I need to badger the DH to run me about for cheap candy today.

  2. Aw, your hubby is such a sweetie! And I am not a big chocolate fan, but Lindor makes the creamiest of creamy milk chocolates - love them!


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