Tuesday, May 07, 2013

project life 2013 | weeks 15+16

{Apr 7-13}
week 15 title
title card
It's hard to imagine April is already over! Time flies when you're Project Life-ing ;)

week 15 full spread
full spread
When creating my weekly layouts, I usually choose the photos from which I want to tell the stories and build from there. The papers and embellishments I don't match on purpose but will try to coordinate at least a little.

week 15 left side
left side
Included a newspaper clipping as well as a ticket to an organ performance (yes completely random, I know, but a dear friend is dating him!). Too bad the Rockets are out of the playoffs but they did well for a rookie team.

week 15 right side
right side
I am making an effort to include photos outside of people and food, but as you can see, sometimes it's hard. People and food make the better part of my life.

{Apr 14-20}
week 16 title
title card
My daily IGs do capture some random moments in our life.

week 16 full spread
full spread
Doing a lot more handwritten journaling this go-round. My handwriting is still barely legible but I'm working on it. Lots of orange and blue on these pages.

week 16 left side
left side
My cousin actually ran the Boston Marathon this year. She was already finished by the time the bombing occurred, so thankfully she was not hurt.

week 16 right side
right side
This week didn't have a ton of photos so I decided to add some more filler cards. While Project Life has made memory keeping so much simpler, it is hard not to get caught up (on IG, blogs, YouTube, etc) on all the product that can be bought for it. Just like my closet is full of clothes that aren't worn that much, my collection of scrap crap seems to be growing, when technically it should be shrinking. So I am trying to use what I love instead of hoarding it!

That said, still loving this project and working on documenting our Miami vacation as week speak.


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I totally LOVE that week 16 title card with the small photos. I am going to scraplift that for sure for a week down the road:) Nothing wrong with people and food either!!

  2. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I agree with Sue that I want to scrap lift that title card! Great idea!

  3. Anonymous4:58 AM

    beautiful pages! i love the colors and color combinations. your pages feel so full of life. love it!


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