Tuesday, May 14, 2013

project life | weeks 17+18

{Apr 21-27}
week 17 title page
title card
Still loving this project.

week 17a
full spread
Been keeping things simple lately - photos + words + cute filler cards

week 17bweek 17c
full spread, inserts right then left side
For our trip to Miami, the Instagrams that I took over the weekend made up the insert and the main page included photos from the "real" camera.

week 17d
left side
Project Life can be anything you want it to be. I've been doing this consistently for 3 years now and I guess what I love documenting are the people in our lives.

week 17e
right side
Taking inspiration from a YouTuber I watched, I am keeping my vacation pages as "separate entities;" i.e. they can be removed from this album and placed into a vacation album if I choose. The blue tones on this page were not done on purpose but I liked how it worked out that way.

{Apr 28-May 4}
week 18 title page
title card

week 18a
full spread
Again, super simple pages.

week 18bweek 18c
full spread, inserts right then left side
This album is going to be completely stuffed for this half of the year, which is one of the reasons I am keeping the embellishing to a minimum. But I had to include our anniversary cards as well as an enlarged photo of us commemorating the occasion.

week 18d
left side
The rest of our vacations photos from Miami.

week 18e
right side
Wow, can't believe May is already here. And can't believe we've been married 11 years. Time flies when you're having fun!


  1. What a really neat spread. I loved the love graffiti picture that is awesome.

  2. That love graffiti is fantastic. Such a wonderful photo.
    Really like how all the blue worked out, looks really amazing.

  3. Wonderful pages. That "love" picture is so cool.


Thanks for stopping by! Say hi if you would like :)