Tuesday, June 25, 2013

project life 2013 | week 24

{June 9-15}
week 24 title card
title card
Almost halfway though the year...no stopping now!

full spread
I tried something new this week - basically took out as many black and white cards as I could find from my different core kits to use, added a little pink for color and went from there. I rather like this look.

left side
Here lately I haven't been taking as many everyday photos. So I am trying to include a bit more writing.

right side
I did steal an IG photo my sister took of the boys, since the ones I had weren't as exciting. And one notable event from last week? I got a new phone/camera. The upgrade to the 5 has been so worth it - so much faster and the camera is fabulous! (These photos of the layouts were all taken with the phone and I am much happier with the quality compared to those taken with the 4). I have to make a conscious effort to take out the big camera these days.

Yesterday was definitely a Monday. Hoping today is a better one!


  1. I love the black, white, and pink color scheme! & Congrats on the new phone - I totally know what you mean about making a conscious effort to use a "real" camera. I take all of my PL photos with my phone :)

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    your layout looks great. i don't usually do a color theme/scheme, either - but every now and then it is kind of fun and really helps to pull the pages together.

  3. I love the colors on this page. Great use of washi to pull it all together. And you are inspiring me to want to add some handwritten journaling on my pages!

  4. Love the black and white with the pop of color.
    The picture of boys with all the white space. Really makes the picture pop.


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