Wednesday, July 31, 2013

me, myself and i

1/30. Pink+yoga=#abeautifulmess #selfie #latergram #lululemon
The main reason I upgraded to an iPhone 5 was the camera (and its panoramic function, which I don't use nearly enough!). I also wanted more apps without having to worry about the memory getting too full!

2/30. How they see me #ABeautifulMess #selfie
I have been participating in a self-portrait-a-day challenge this month, using the "A Beautiful Mess" app.

3/30. #ABeautifulMess
Although taking a picture of yourself everyday can seem a bit narcissistic, it can also be a way to practice photography without bugging anyone else.

4/30. Early Sunday AM #ABeautifulMess5/30. And i@was not driving when this photo was taken! #ABeautifulMess#selfie
You can experiment with different perspective.

6/30. New earring #jcrew #ABeautifulMess
...and lighting

7/30. Fruit and veggie salad with toasted coconut for dinner #pictapgo_app #abeautifulmess #vegan #selfie
And sometimes you don't even have to hardly be in the photo at all!

I am halfway through the challenge...won't you play along? :)

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea! What fun! I want your fruit that avocado hiding and cheese on top?


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