Thursday, July 01, 2010

Like a tattoo {Sp corrected :)}

Remember how I mentioned that we gave the bassist for Jordin Sparks a ride back to his tour bus after yoga? Well, he came through on the tickets!

Jordin Sparks
Jordin Sparks
Jordin SparksHouse of Blues is a great venue for a show because it's just the right size.

Jordin SparksNow I am not a huge fan or anything, but I did predict she would win Idol when she was on.

Jordin SparksShe sounded and looked great and seemed super sweet. Apparently she will be performing in "In the Heights" on Broadway this fall.

Jordin SparksUnfortunately Jesse was in the back for most of the show so I didn't get a great shot of him. We didn't pick up our tickets at will call until a few minutes before Jordin was taking the stage. When we got there we found out we could have been to the Meet and Greet before the show! Too bad! Note to self: next time you make friends with someone in a band and they offer you tickets, get there early - you never know!


  1. Nice! But I think tattoo is spelled with 2 o's :-)

  2. Love Jordin Sparks! I'm glad you had great time.

  3. Oh fun! It's pretty cool to have connections, I hope you get to go to lots of concerts this summer!

    Chic on the Cheap


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