Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I can't believe today is the last day of the month! Wow, the time has flown (I think I say this a lot!)

Is it bad that I am already ready for Saturday to be here? I am looking forward to this weekend - one of my cousins is getting married here in H-town and we will have tons of family in town. I can't wait to see everyone!

06.30.10top: NY&Co
skirt: Loft, remix'd
shoes: Geox, remix'd
earrings: gift'd&remix'd
necklace: Loft, remix'd
belt: Anthro, remix'd
tights: Hue, remix'd

This is another button down I purchased when the hubs was out of town. I love the shape, color and that fact that it was only $12. I'm sure I will be wearing these a lot over the summer.


  1. Ack, you've got the Infinity belt too! Why haven't I noticed that before? You look great in it - do you not love it? I really like the waist-cinching-super-stretchiness of the belt.

    You're looking great in yellow today too.

  2. I love the yellow and grey combo, and that necklace is just fantastic with this!

  3. Anonymous8:37 AM

    So fab! The necklace is a fantastic finishing touch.

  4. I do like that shirt! I don't think I have ever been in a NY & Co, maybe I should check it out. Looks like lots of places are having sales right now... too bad I don't have any time to check out what they have!

  5. I love the color combo here - and the necklace is perfect!

  6. Yellow and gray is one of my favorite color combinations. I love this!!

  7. This combination of grey+yellow has got to be one of my faves even though I don't sport it much.
    You look fab !


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