Tuesday, June 29, 2010


06.29.10dress: Loft (puchased long ago, but finally worn!)
shoes: Aldo, remix'd
earrings: gift'd&remix'd
belt: Ann Taylor, remix'd
tights: Hue, remix'd

Sometimes I can get a remix photo in a few shots, sometimes it takes 30. I like using my SLR because of the crisper photos I get, but sometimes getting myself in focus takes much longer.

outtakeI practice getting myself in focus like this

outtakebut more often than not I end up like this! Talk about frustrating! I guess all I can do is keep shooting.


  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    LOVE the dress, and it looks marvelous belted. I admire your dedication to timed shots - I feel spoiled that my hubby takes all of mine!

  2. 1. Your outtakes are so cute!
    2. I totally feel ya. I don't have a DSLR, but my little point-and-shoot self-timer gives me hell sometimes.
    3. I ADORE this dress. The print, the cut...so perfect!

  3. You are a pretty good photographer... as you said, the camera doesn't take the pictures itself :-)

  4. I'm new to your blog, and really like it. I think I'll follow!

    I love the dress! Your outtakes are so cute! My husband just bought me a DSLR for my PhD graduation, and it arrived yesterday. I have a feeling that some fuzzy photos will be in my future until I get past the learning curve.

  5. Super cute dress! The pics are so great, love the outakes!

  6. So are you using the self timer? If so, get the remote! Best $14 I spent!

    But even out of focus you are adorable, and I love that dress, let it come out of the closet more often!

    Chic on the Cheap

  7. really nice dress! like the print! kiss

  8. This is fabulous.
    That dress is a piece to hold on to... forever, it's a perfect fir and you look lovely in it.


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