Monday, October 25, 2010

Week in photos

2010 10 18 photo
Driving back from Austin. Texas is flat, which makes for boring drives but cool landscape shots.

2010 10 19 photo
Mom and I went to the dress rehearsal. It was beautiful.

2010 10 20 photo
Baby J was having a rough week. Good thing Grandma was around to give him hugs!

2010 10 21 photo
PR night!

2010 10 22 photo
Collina's makes the biggest and best pizza ever!

2010 10 23 photo
Making a scrapbook for my friend's 40th birthday.

2010 10 24 photo
Funday Sunday birthday celebration for the birthday girl!


  1. OMG that pizza! I love the photo of your nephew. He looks so mischievous.

  2. It's a blessing to have friends.Then it's a double blessing when they have their birthday.You get to realize once more how much you love them.

  3. Anonymous4:12 AM

    looks like you had a great week....

  4. At least we now know what is wrong with Baby J - hopefully he'll feel better soon!


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