Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What happened?

all items remix'd
top: J. Crew
pants: Loft
shoes: Geox
earrings: Tiffany's, gift'd

The weather has been slowly becoming more and more humid over the last week or two. WTF? Ah, the joys of living in H-town are neverending :)

I've got a meeting later on this afternoon, so will eventually don a jacket and some heels. But until then, I am dressing for comfort. No pink today either. Sometimes being professional and pink can be difficult!

P.S. Sorry if I haven't been commenting as much lately on your blogs. Our desktop computer died (luckily just some parts, not the hard drive). The hubs has got things working on our laptop, but it's functionality is not great and for whatever reason, reading blogs on Blogger can be a pain. Hopefully we will be up and running with a new computer in the next few weeks!


  1. Ick, sorry about your computer woes.

    I love this professional outfit, though. The colors are calm and powerful, while still being interesting!

  2. I'm sorry that you're having computer issues. That top is great.

  3. Oh no, computer woes! I hope that gets resolved soon! I think your top is really cute -- the neckline really works on you! And UGH, the Houston weather. I THOUGHT IT WAS OCTOBER. Why is it still 80+ degrees!?

  4. Love the trousers!

    Hope your compy gets fixed soon. At least it wasn't the hard drive. I've lost two in the past 3 years.

  5. Super cute outfit!! I love that top! Ugh, good luck with the computer troubles and I'm glad its not the hard drive! I hope you're having a great week! :)


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