Wednesday, February 16, 2011

India chic?

My India outfits will be posted sporadically. My wardrobe is less than inspired here, since I really didn't know what to expect. It's funny. The Westerners here act like they don't care what they wear, and certainly things with labels are of no consequence. But people do pay attention to their clothes. I've seen lots of layers, scarves, and even harem pants! Only yogis can make harem pants look cool.

top: Anthro
skirt: Prana
sandals: J. Crew, remix'd
earrings: old, remix'd
necklace: Collingnon Designs, remix'd

Here I am in front of the door of my room.

top: Old Navy, remix'd
skirt: Gap, remix'd
sandals: J. Crew, remix'd
sunnies: Dsquared, remix'd

Here I am in front of the driveway. I don't have the nerve yet to take outfit photos in public. Maybe later...

So these looks are variations of a theme...loose top and bottom. The dress is very conservative here, so no exposed shoulders or knees. Maybe I will take a cue from the yogis who have been here for longer and get a bit more interesting, but this will do for now.


  1. I think you look very breezy and comfortable. While still maintaining your signature pink!

  2. Very relaxed and pretty. I envy you being in India! Hope you are having a wonderful time.

  3. I appreciate you still dress like you (the pink!) while still being respectfull of the local customs and attire.

    I've been to the Mid East a few times and though some of the cities are very westernized, you can still tell that not everyone approves of the gals walking around in their short shorts and camis!

  4. Love your laid-back chic style!

  5. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Totally missed your journey! I adore that first outfit - so relaxed and lovely.

  6. i'm totally loving your posts about india. your outfits still look totally you!

  7. I love the long skirts. I don't think I've said this before, but your new shorter cut looks great.

  8. Love that grey top in the first outfit. Looks soo comfy. Seems like a great location, too

  9. I'd definitely call this India chic! You look beautiful in your "uniform". That pink skirt is especially pretty!


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