Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My practice

2011 02 15 photo

Today was my fourth practice at the shala. I can't begin to verbalize how different, how amazing, how alive it is here! Since I have a late start time (8 AM, which really means 7:45 AM because the shala clock is 15 minutes ahead), the room is nice and warm. The room almost feels alive because you can hear everyone breathing.

Before entering, you leave your shoes outside. This is customary for entering anyone's home in India. {My feet are going to be wrecked when I return!}

Sunday was led primary so no help for any poses (although someone did push me deeper into forward bend after backbends). On Monday I received help in Supta kurmasana and backbends, from his Western assistants, but yesterday and today Sharath himself helped me with my backbends. So he is officially my teacher here :)

This morning's practice was a bit trying as my nose was completely stuffed the whole time but it was still a practice in Mysore, India! Since Friday is a moon day we won't have practice and tomorrow will be Led instead of mysore. This practice is why I am here and I am doing my best to get everything I can out of it.


  1. It must be like you are living in a dream,right?

  2. You sound so happy and refreshed. I'm glad you're having a great time!

  3. Gosh what an amazing experience :) Thank you for sharing your journey!

  4. It sounds like you are having an amazing trip.

  5. What an experience! Keep pushing, pushing, pushing!

  6. Moon day? Mysore? Led? You are already speaking a foreign language!

  7. Wow, it sounds wonderful. Hope you're having a fabulous time.

  8. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Glad the yogidy is going well! And very great to "see" you this morn (for me) via Skype!

  9. Anonymous3:43 PM

    good practice...hoping you get what you wanted..

  10. Anonymous3:43 PM

    good practice...hoping you get what you wanted..


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