Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's all about the coconut

Coconut is a very common food in South India. It can be found in chutneys, vegetables, desserts, you name it.

I've got quite a few coconut trees growing where I am staying.

Right outside the shala is the coconut man. I can't remember his name, but his father did the same thing before him, when Guruji (Sri K. Pattabhi Jois) was alive. Immediately after practice you can purchase coconuts from him. The water is so refreshing, especially after sweating profusely during practice.

He uses a mean looking knife to open the husk for you to drink the water.

2011 02 14 photo
But the best part of the coconut is the"gungy," or meat inside. When you finish drinking, he will cut open the coconut and scoop it out for you. I could eat these all day, but try to limit to 2-3.

So how much does this delicious treat cost? 10 rupees/coconut! The conversion is about 45 rupees to the dollar, so you do the math. I think I may go have one for lunch.


  1. That sounds yummy!!!

  2. OO I'm envious of all that hydratingly-wondrous electrolytes from the humble green coconut on tap(love, love love coconut H2O:), enjoy!

  3. That sounds yummy!

  4. look at all the bright sunny sunshine! i ♥ coconut, and i miss it so much!

  5. Oh goodness, I LOVE fresh coconut! You're so right about the coconut meat being the best part, too. I remember eating a bunch of fresh coconuts when I was in Thailand -- they'd use a machete to hack them right open!

  6. Mmm yumm that sounds so delicious.

  7. You are coco for coconuts! Sounds like you are getting into the swing of things! XOXO

  8. Oh my gosh, that looks AMAZING.

    So jealous!

  9. Anonymous5:36 PM

    coconut is really good for you.....

  10. i heart coconuts! i'm glad that you're having so much fun!

  11. Good deal! I'd eat coconuts all day too, I adore them!

    Chic on the Cheap


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