Saturday, April 30, 2011

One month already?

2011 03 ee shala
I am trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I last month, I was spending a lot of my time here. I miss it so much already! Being able to focus on my practice was such a gift.

I miss the coconut water after practice, papaya for breakfast, 2-3 hour meals, conversations with fellow ashtangis, and so so much more!

top: Old Navy
skirt: Loft
shoes: Target
earrings: gift'd, remix'd
necklace: Collingnon Designs, remix'd
belt: Gap, remix'd

I will say that it didn't take me as long to readjust to my life stateside as I thought it would. Going back to work almost immediately helped (no time to think about anything) as well as only working part time (more time to hang out and practice).

I have definitely been making as much effort as possible to practice as close to 6 days/week as possible. I've also come to realize that if I plan on doing this practice for-the-rest-of-my-life, which I hope will be a long time, I have no rush to "get to the next pose."

(If you have no interest in yoga, please skip this part) Yannis progressed me to Kapotasana before I left, but I was really only doing primary in Mysore. Currently Yannis is helping me figure out how the hell to come up to standing from backbends (I thought dropping back myself was the hard part, but it turns out that was actually pretty easy) and I can tell it's going to take this old dog a while to learn this new trick. So I decided to add one pose from intermediate per week once I got back on a regular practice schedule. "Why you hurry?" would be what Sharath or, I imagine, Pattabi Jois would say.

I realized almost everything in this outfit is new, or at least new to the blog. The top I wore in India, the skirt was my first new purchase when I was traveling for work at the beginning of the month, and the shoes were an impulse buy inspired by this cute lady. They are real suede and extremely comfy!

Happy weekend to those of you relaxing. I am working today, but that's ok too.

1 comment:

  1. So fresh and springy! I can imagine how much you must miss from being in India. It sounds like the whole pace of life is different living over there.


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