Sunday, May 01, 2011

Please bear with me

all items remix'd
top: Anthro
pants: Gap
shoes: Geox
earrings: Collingnon Designs, gift'd

Happy May! May is traditionally my favorite month of the year. The weather is gorgeous, the sun is shining, life is good. We have many celebrations to look forward to, like our anniversary, Memorial Day weekend with friends, and, of course, my birthday.

I am feeling a bit ambivalent about my upcoming birthday this year. I am putting a new number in front of my age and am quite in denial about the whole thing. I realize that it's just a number and while I don't feel or think that I look forty (! eep, there I said's out there!), sometimes I wonder, does this mean my life is half over?

So excuse me if I am sounding especially precious right now. I am still coming to grips with the whole thing. I am also hoping that forty is the new twenty!
40 is the new 20!


  1. Yay birthday month!!! I'm a big proponent of month-long birthday celebrations, so count me in on a plethora of birthday wishes. :)

    Also, you look lovely in this outfit. I love the blouse!

  2. happy birthday month!

  3. I'm with Clare. ;D Long celebrations are the best! Happy May Day. You look fab. The printed blouse is great.

  4. I'm also hitting the 40 mark this month (on the 15th). 40 is definitely the new 25.

  5. Annie5:46 PM

    Forty is a big one - I celebrated it as "my 20th 21st birthday." I was a bit angst-ridden about the whole thing but a friend assured me that once my birthday came and went it wouldn't be such a big deal and she was right. I recently turned 42 and I'm LOVING my 40s. Seriously loving them. Hard to explain all the reasons why so I won't - you will no doubt have your own. Forty is the new 20, only better, so much better. Happy birthday!

  6. I love that beautiful top and those pants look great on you! Happy birthday month! Looking forward to your birthday photos :)


  7. You, my dear, are not NEARLY half over with your life. 40 IS the new 20 and you look it, too. So don't you worry. You're gorgeous!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  8. I'm loving that top, and I hope you have a fabulous birthday month!

  9. No way do you look 40! I never would have guessed. May is my birthday month, and I am dreading it ...!


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