Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Back to school

all items remix'd
dress: ABS
cardi: Gap
boots: Anthro
sunnies: Dsquared
earrings&necklace: Collingnon Designs
tights: Loft

Yesterday I went to my friends' 2nd grade class to help them with their reading. They were darling! Second grade would be a good age to teach. The kids are still cute, not jaded and want to please you.

I do have a new found respect for all teachers, though. Two hours was good enough for me. You really have to have the patience of the saint to deal with 22 kids all day, even if they are cute.

green stripe cardi 01
I bought this cardi years ago at a steal. It is becoming quite threadbare but I still love its bright spring color and the thinness actually works for Texas weather.


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    What a great color mix! That springy green looks amazing with the burgundy.

  2. I love the mix! The boots are a perfect touch, too -- and man, I KNOW it's tough to wrangle kids all day, even if they're cute, haha! I used to teach pottery lessons, and darn it, those little guys were adorable but so exhausting!

  3. I like the boots! I taught community ed classes one summer, and that was enough for me. I admire teachers, because it is tough work.

  4. Omgomgomg, your HAIR. I know I said it before, but I seriously love it. The color here is so wonderfully matched.

    I have major respect for teachers, because I could never handle one - much less a room full of 'em.

  5. Yeah, I think teaching would be a bit much for me. I love the color palette!

  6. i apparently totally missed the hair color transition, but i heart it! and with brown boots? yessssss!


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